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Writer's pictureFerriswheel_journal

Bring it, 2020!

This is a ‘pot stirring’, ‘shit hitting the fan’ kinda year. It is what it is.

It’s written in the stars.

2020 is bringing the bullshit out in the open. There’s no point in trying to put lipstick on it. Roll with it. Face it. I know it’s exhausting because it feels like it’s coming from all angles, but in the end (cause things will smooth out, eventually lol),

I think we’ll be better for it. Ignoring, hiding, sweeping under the carpet ...yeah, it didn’t make anything go away, did it?

Nope. It just made us momentarily feel better so we could keep our heads conveniently up our ass.

That went on for too long. Clearly!

Fuck it. Let’s shake shit up.

Time to get uncomfortable.

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