Jam, pickle, sausage and stationary section are among of my most favorites.
I usually spend max 1/2 hr to buy everything else, then used to spend 1/2 hr at this section m stationary section would go for 1 hr.
Sometimes I used to have one of my other friend accompanying me. Our strategy is to scatter and then we meet in particular section and not to forget we check out each other's cart!!
Then we discuss from which section it was.... if it is that good.. never tried bla bla stuff.
Twist in our daily life:
This pandemic is all about online Shopping and I badly miss seeing my friend in any other section.
I so want to experience that shopping again which always end upus having good food.
Achche din kab aayenge!😅

PS: we used to tell yeah that section there's cute guy go go there!!😅